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3x3 product sample

Your Price: $0.85
In Stock.
Part Number:SMPL

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Custom sample
5 Stars
Hello, would like samples of your Black Oyster Pearl (Ringo era), as well as Ludwig Psychedelic's (Red, Citrus, & Mod Orange) . I've also attached a photo of Ludwig Blue Silk in hopes gat you can recreate that..will send another one for Red Silk as well. Thanks!
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Reviewed by:  from Claremont, California . on 11/1/2015
5 Stars
humble consumer
I love the concept of seeing a sample. My problem is so far it has not happened. I sent my request in on July 29 by Pay Pal but so far no reply. I need to finish 3 drums but want to verify the color first. Thank you. Jeff
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Reviewed by:  from Troutdale. on 9/12/2021
5 Stars
3x3 Samples
I wanted to re-wrap my old Mapex Pro-M kit from it's original benchmark Gold to something in Red. Bumwrap had dozens of reds to choose from so I ordered samples of my favorites and was able to narrow it down to the one I liked best. From there I ordered a full kit wrap on Bumwraps Full Kit Quick Order tool and now I have a beautiful kit in Red Black Smoke. This project went so well, I've decided to re-wrap some snares and a Junior kit for my Grandson. Bumwrap makes it easy. So much so, that re-wrapping with Bumwrap has become my hobby! Great stuff, easy to work with, they cut to exact sizes and the price is right.
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Reviewed by:  from Staten island, NY. on 9/5/2021
5 Stars
Really liked the purple fire fade so much I bought a 13x7 wrap for my snare, and will probably wrap the entire kit with the same one.
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Reviewed by:  from Aurora. on 6/9/2021

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